Services for this month

Welcome to the churches of St John the Baptist, Meopham and St Mildred’s Nurstead.

Forthcoming services -

Sunday 28th July

9.45am Holy Communion at St John’s

10:30am Holy Communion, Luddesdowne

11.30am Family Service at St Mildred’s

Sunday 4th August

9.45am All Age Worship St John's Meopham

10:30am Holy Communion (BCP), Cobham

11.30am Holy Communion at St Mildred's Nurstead

Sunday 11th August

9.45am Holy Communion at St John's Meopham

10:30am Morning Worship and Baptism, Luddesdowne

11.30am Mattins service at St Mildred's Nurstead

Sunday 18th August

9.45am Morning Worship at St John’s Church

10:30am Holy Communion, Cobham

Sunday 25th August

9.45am Holy Communion at St John’s

10:30am Holy Communion, Luddesdowne

11.30am Family Service at St Mildred’s

Wednesday Midweek services at 9.30am

Please phone Ron on 01474 814250 for venue

Informal Morning Prayer at The Railway Inn, in the Restaurant area.

24th and 31st July

Midweek services at St John's Meopham

Monday and Tuesday Said Morning Prayer by Zoom at 9am. Details from the Rector

Wednesday morning, 10am St John's Centre, Holy Communion

* We are working more closely together so are showing information about services in all four parishes on this website

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